Well just then, I finished watching "About Time". I originally thought I wouldn't see it because I was unsure about it and I didn't think it would be good. But the good think about being a pessimist is that you can be pleasantly surprised. And that's what it was with this movie. I don't think the main focus was really time travel, but more, the essence of living life to the fullest and I quote "I just try to live every day as if I've deliberately come back to this one day, to enjoy it, as if it were the full final day". Bill Nighy is of course a great actor and so if Rachel McAdams and Domhnall Gleeson played his part superbly. It was a really heart-touching, beautiful, inspiring, and quite hilarious in some parts, film. I thought it was odd that Rachel McAdams was doing another time
traveling movie and I'm not usually into time travel as it's impossible
and so many things can go wrong with time travel, but this was a much
better movie than I thought it was going to be. In fact, I thought it
was a great movie, and I would definitely recommend anyone to watch it,
which doesn't happen all the time. Young or old, female or male, this is
a great movie for anyone to see.

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