Well, I went ahead and made a Pinterest account and here's my first board:
Foxes and Woodland Animals, Pictures and Ideas

I also went shopping at Spotlight at Birkenhead Point yesterday. I got a whole lot of stuff from Spotlight, then a bottle of nail polish from French Connection, then a pair of shoes from Sandler. I am attempting - and failing - to create at least one (hopefully more) fox plush toy. I'm getting my ideas from some images I found which you can see on my pinterest board. I think my fox plush toy will have to be one of those toys that look like they were made out of a thousand bits of material because I am horribley failing at cutting pieces of felt out. I could buy a pdf design off etsy which I might do because they're only about $8 and this little one is so cute I'm so tempted to buy the pattern:
Felix the Fox
After I've finished my current one I'm going to try and copy this little guy:
Bunny, bear and fox brooch pdf pattern
I also finally started (and finished) this project which I've been wanting to do which my cousin explained to me and now I will show to you.
Napkin jar
You will need
- A plain jar (any kind will do without designs or patterns already on it otherwise it defeats the purpose. I got mine for $2.50 at the hot dollar shop)
- P.V.A glue (or Mod Podge but I didn't have any at the time)
- Napkins - choose a nice one with a pretty design, you only really need one to cover the whole jar but you can have more
- An old brush
- A piece of paper (to put your glue on)

This is very simple and fun to make. This was actually my first time making it but it didn't take very long to make and its really fun and it looks really good.
First of all,
You can choose whether you want to rip your napkin up and/or cut out certain parts, or just stick the whole thing on.
I think it looks cooler when you rip parts out of it and rearrange it.
I used two types of napkins - The first one was this:
The second one was this:
I used the clocks and flowers from the first one and the birds from the second.
Now its just simple simple simple from here on.
First you need to blob a large amount of glue onto a piece of paper.
Then, get your brush and spread a thin layer of glue onto the side of your jar. Don't spread the glue over the whole jar otherwise your glue will dry before you can stick the napkins on.
Napkins have more than layer, make sure you only have the top layer with the pattern on it.
Then stick it on. You may want to arrange your pieces around the jar before you stick it on, or you can just freestyle it like I did.
Keep glueing, ripping and sticking until you have covered the jar. After you have done that you need to brush a layer of glue all over the jar. Don't make it to thick, just enough to cover every part of the jar. This step I didn't take a picture of but it's not that hard.
Let the glue dry and then you're finished!
So this is what mine looked like when it was finished
I think it looks pretty good considering it's my first time :)
So there it is; a simple, easy, cheap and fun project to do that looks great.